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hoser 06-03-2008 08:50 PM

Oh shush, I'm trying to stir the shitpot :)

Lotharr 06-04-2008 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Meat
I'm certainly not saying he'll come after MMA again if elected, and I'm not telling anyone how to think or vote. I'm just telling you why I think the man is a douche. Its personal, he came after my sport and held it back. Fuck him.

Nice to see that some people will vote for or against the Leader of the Free World based on his position on a particular sport. What an intelligent way to decide on who should be President!

Eureka! I'm only voting for candidates who like the same sports teams I do... The Pittsburgh Penguins and The Pittsburgh Steelers. In fact, I'll only associate with people who like my teams - so I can truly become isolated in my thinking to the point of blind radicalism! What an unbridled genius this Dr. Meat is!

Lotharr 06-04-2008 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Lotharr (Post 5120)
Oy vai... that's a bit more reading than I have time for right now. I'll read it tonight and comment more then. (I'm kind of swamped at work today.) :eek:

Thanks for that though... and I had not received that particular email (yet).

Ok - here's my high-level assessment of this.

In areas where the original message was shown to be "false" it was usually one of those "it depends on the meaning of is is" things... i.e. Obama was stating "facts" in politically advantageous, selective way. The same charge could be made towards the writer of the original email though, too.

Obfuscation is the name of the game - and whoever relies upon it might as well be lying. We've been force-fed a steady diet of obfuscation for nearly 8 years now. The point to take away here is that Obama is no different than ANY other politician in this regard.

jackass 06-04-2008 09:01 AM

Hmmm: ob·fus·cate (bf-skt, b-fskt)
tr.v. ob·fus·cat·ed, ob·fus·cat·ing, ob·fus·cates
1. To make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand: "A great effort was made . . . to obscure or obfuscate the truth" Robert Conquest.
2. To render indistinct or dim; darken: The fog obfuscated the shore.

the process of darkening or obscuring so as to hinder ready analysis.
See also: Thinking

Lotharr 06-04-2008 09:28 AM

...as proof of said obfuscation in the current Administration, I point to Scott McClellan's new book. :)

hoser 06-04-2008 11:01 AM

Ron Paul?

Lotharr 06-04-2008 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by hoser (Post 5138)
Ron Paul?

What about him? I like a lot of his ideas - especially his support of Fair Tax - but we'll NEVER get rid of the IRS... once the government creates a bloated bureaucracy, it can never be stamped out.

I got this e-mail from a very close friend:

Just curious what you have against socialism? Its works very, very well in some instances. (postal system, libraries, schools etc...).

I think the medicine and the airline industry should be socialized in a big way. We suck at it and "for profit" has created this mess and greed we are in now.
This is the mind-set of a typical Obama supporter. Even just his first sentence sent chills down my spine.

Oh boy! Let's all hang up pictures of Che and Marx and become socialists... so the government can control even MORE of our lives! After all, they're so good at it. :rolleyes:

hoser 06-04-2008 02:42 PM


Lotharr 06-04-2008 03:58 PM

I get paid on the 5th and the 20th.

My entire (and I mean ENTIRE) paycheck from the 5th goes to the mortgage and a couple other bills that are due during the first half of the month... so I won't have any money in there anyhow. :eek:

Tidy 06-05-2008 01:03 AM

It is no secret that Obama has the "Black Vote". A lot of that is simply because of the rally to make history. There is a grand excitement about Obama, but I wonder how many of those votes he would retain if McCains VP was Colin Powell? Altho he would be a VP, when the black community had a valid second option, what would result?

On a far out note, I really would like to see a what if situation if someone like Micheal Jordan ended up on the ticket? I mean hell, if theres gonna be someone in there with no real experience, at least he's a world icon and extremely successful.lol

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