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*XxDADxX* 04-01-2009 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by andyofne (Post 6034)
So, the financial crisis was created by Obama?

Actually Andy more in this order: Bill Clinton, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and Obama

andyofne 04-01-2009 08:08 PM

Well then, now you're getting some where. But it amazes me that people are so blinded by their party affiliation that they will hold harmless the guy that ran the show for the last 8 years.

I can't even begin to understand how you can blindly ignore it.

ALLT4 04-01-2009 10:57 PM

At all costs.... blame Bush and the GOP. Deflect, deflect Will Robinson.

What I do blame Bush for is caving into the Libtards and Dems too often.

Back on subject though, I smoke and now think even better than quitting for my health is to quit to spite the Media's Messiah. I made the day the tax hits in my area the day I quit. Not another penny more than I have to will I give to the Socialist cause.

andyofne 04-02-2009 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by ALLT4 (Post 6043)
At all costs.... blame Bush and the GOP. Deflect, deflect Will Robinson.

What I do blame Bush for is caving into the Libtards and Dems too often.

Back on subject though, I smoke and now think even better than quitting for my health is to quit to spite the Media's Messiah. I made the day the tax hits in my area the day I quit. Not another penny more than I have to will I give to the Socialist cause.

Lookie here, I'm not saying "blame bush" I'm saying let's not ignore his administrations role in all of this.

But the same folks who are saying "deflect deflect" and want to absolve Bush of everything are the ones blaming the guy whose been in office for 73 days.

ALLT4 04-02-2009 05:49 PM

It's time for The One, the great community organizer to stand on his own. How long do we blame Bush for anything that happens from today forward? I guess if you watch MSLSD you can do it forever. Again I'll blame Bush and Company for not running Bawney and Dodd out of town. Dems held congress for the last two years of Bush's second term. I guess it WAS Bush's fault he didn't try harder to regulate Fanny and Freddie. Look up some numbers and see when the shit started hitting the fan. Pubs were blocked at every turn trying to regulate Fannie and Freddie with more than cooked books.


Yes Andy the financial crisis is patially due to Obama...


I myself wasn't particulary impressed with Bush and Company, but if the Messiah is all he's cracked up to be along with a total Dem Libtard controlled Congress we should see the Country in total bliss soon right? But it seems the more time goes along all we're seeing is more spending with no end in sight. More backdoor taxes on smokes, beer is coming, wait for Cap and Trade, God I hope that doesn't pass or we're screwed, more direct taxes on small business, gas will be the next thing because it's evil to drive to work to pay those taxes. Is Bush doing this? Find me some evidence how Bush and Company caused the housing bubble. The root cause of the Ecomonic crisis we're in.

For God sakes stop watching PMSNBC, Obledick and cum in pants Matthews are so far in the tank for the Messiah it's shameful. They're talking about how Michelle is dressing, these are the important facts to them. :rolleyes:

The only good thing to come out of all this is that I can buy a shitload of low priced stocks that have no where to go but up. It's a hell of roller coaster right now but it seems every second day I gain more than I lose on the inbetween days. If the Messiah would just stay off TV, keep his yap closed and let the free market run it's course things would turn around much faster.

{2399}Straycat 04-03-2009 08:19 AM

Now this is more like the good ole days!

Argue on my friends :p

andyofne 04-03-2009 08:30 AM

Actually, this is the kind of thing that killed the community.

ALLT4 04-03-2009 09:24 AM

I doubt that Andy, I think people just got tired of the game and moved on. UT99 or whatever it was was fun to the max but like all good things came to an end. None of the other UT games lived up to the hype and people trying to recreate the same maps or similar circumstances just didn't play the same.

Not to mention people just grow up after while and put the games down.

I don't see anything here in this thread but a spirited discussion. If that's what killed the community that's sad. Again I doubt that because it seemed to be the spirited discussions that kept people coming back. Look at this thread, seems like there's more activity in this thread than you guys get all year.

I'd have to say the heated debates were what kept the blood pumping in the community, when that ended so did everything else. It's like watching a train wreck over and over again, who doesn't like that?

andyofne 04-03-2009 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by ALLT4 (Post 6050)
I doubt that Andy, I think people just got tired of the game and moved on. UT99 or whatever it was was fun to the max but like all good things came to an end. None of the other UT games lived up to the hype and people trying to recreate the same maps or similar circumstances just didn't play the same.

Not to mention people just grow up after while and put the games down.

I don't see anything here in this thread but a spirited discussion. If that's what killed the community that's sad. Again I doubt that because it seemed to be the spirited discussions that kept people coming back. Look at this thread, seems like there's more activity in this thread than you guys get all year.

I'd have to say the heated debates were what kept the blood pumping in the community, when that ended so did everything else. It's like watching a train wreck over and over again, who doesn't like that?

You can doubt it all you want, I can restore the old forum DB and let you go through the last few months of it if you like.

ALLT4 04-03-2009 07:13 PM

I don't think I was around then. But in any case as long as things don't turn into personal attacks debates CAN be civil. It's hard when you have the anonymity of the Internet though, I think we've all done it at one time or another.

Then again, as time goes on that anonymity you think you have isn't all what you thought it was. Just about anybody these days can be called out, found out and dragged through the mud pretty darn easily.

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