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-   -   Just about had it with Vista. (http://fpsnetwork.com/forum/showthread.php?t=557)

ALLT4 12-30-2007 08:43 AM

Just about had it with Vista.
Aside form some fancy crap I never use I see no real benefit to it whatsoever. I was able to buy the Business flavor for $60.00 from PSU as an employee so I figured why not. I had tried Ultimate beta and it seemed good at the time but I should have given it a better work out. I have two WD 74G Raptors in Raid 0 on a Silicon image PCIe controller. These aren't the quietest drives in the world and with Vista doing God knows what all the time accessing them it's really annoying. I never had this trouble with XP Pro, I'll be sitting here typing something and all of a sudden the hard drives start ratcheting away driving me crazy. I try to open task manager to see what the hell is going on and all you can see is the ambiguous svchost or whatever eating up processor power. I suppose something is talking to Mama somewhere? I don't think it should be caching anything because I have 2gig of ram installed. I hear that's that's the max with a 32 bit OS. Yeah I tried 64 bit Vista, too little support for that.

There's other crap that bothers me but the hard drives crunching away all the time bothers me the most.

Has anyone else upgraded to an older OS? LOL

Watch the "Podium" Mac ad, that's the way I feel right about now.

hoser 12-30-2007 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by ALLT4 (Post 4538)
Has anyone else upgraded to an older OS?

I did, back around Feb/Mar of 07.


I wanted so bad to give linux a 'real' chance as my desktop that I burned upthe winderz installation.. haven't looked back. I might back it up just to try Ubuntu.

Tempus 12-30-2007 12:57 PM

I've been running 64bit vista for a couple of months now and I don't get any weird HD activity or anything. I have a system gadget running and usage seems to parallel my activity. Maybe it's your AV or maybe spyware detection eating up your system or maybe automatic back-up checking for new files?

hoser 12-30-2007 01:54 PM

If you have the latest and most advanced hardware available, Vista seems to be flawless. However, ymmv lo :)

andyofne 12-30-2007 08:18 PM

I spent several hours today working on a brand new, out of the box, HP Media Center machines with Vista 32bit loaded on it.

Within 30 minutes I had a BSOD trying to install updated drivers provided through Microsoft Update.

The Media Center TV card did not work at all with the pre-installed drivers. Oh, wait, it would play channel 5 but that's it.

Every time I tried to load drivers from Windows Update the system would either fail to load them or BSOD.

I went to HP and found a patch that "fixed" the problem with the drivers but it was not easy to find.

I was not impressed.

hoser 12-30-2007 10:20 PM

Might be time for an iMac.

ALLT4 12-30-2007 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Tempus (Post 4540)
I've been running 64bit vista for a couple of months now and I don't get any weird HD activity or anything. I have a system gadget running and usage seems to parallel my activity. Maybe it's your AV or maybe spyware detection eating up your system or maybe automatic back-up checking for new files?

It's not so much a whole lot of processor power being used, I kind of misspoke that. It's the hard drive activity, I don't run anything I haven't run in XP without all the hard drive activity.

Maybe you have quieter drives and just don't notice it. I've turned off anything I can think of, such as the Defender, indexing, UAC and stuff like that. About the only things I run for spyware are Symantec Antivirus and Spybot's Internet immunization.

And Andy, it's a lot of stuff like you experienced with that HP that turns me off also. I do a lot with music and pictures on my PC. Some old Mp3 editing stuff that worked on XP doesn't work with Vista or is limited as to what it does now. It's hard for me to point out specific examples because I just try to forget about them as they happen and write those programs off and search for others.

Can't say I've really had driver issues, then again I buy new stuff almost every 6 months so everything is already Vista ready.

ALLT4 12-30-2007 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by hoser (Post 4546)
Might be time for an iMac.

I've been tossing around this idea myself. Try to buy a NICE 20" flat screen and computer specs. the iMac has for less money. It's not that bad of a deal. Plus with Parallels and Boot Camp you get the best of both worlds.

beanie 12-31-2007 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by ALLT4 (Post 4548)
I've been tossing around this idea myself. Try to buy a NICE 20" flat screen and computer specs. the iMac has for less money. It's not that bad of a deal. Plus with Parallels and Boot Camp you get the best of both worlds.

Forget Parallels, go with VMware Fusion instead. I own both. VMware is much better IMO! Of course, a reboot into Boot Camp gets you a full speed PC.

Ghanzafar 01-01-2008 10:17 AM

Vista is on the out. Microsoft has extended XP and will add DirectX 10 to the next SP. To get the true benifits of Vista you need the 64 bit but the problem with that is most all hardware venders are not going to waste their time making drivers for a OS that is not in Demand. Vista has alot of issues and only time will tell.
Andy for most TV cards to work they have to be certified. HP has always had issues with Media center all the way back to MCE 2004. I have a nice PCI express TV turner It is true HD ATSC http://www.avermedia.com/. You can get it at tigerdirect or newegg for less than $100.

andyofne 01-01-2008 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Ghanzafar (Post 4555)
Vista is on the out. Microsoft has extended XP and will add DirectX 10 to the next SP. To get the true benifits of Vista you need the 64 bit but the problem with that is most all hardware venders are not going to waste their time making drivers for a OS that is not in Demand. Vista has alot of issues and only time will tell.
Andy for most TV cards to work they have to be certified. HP has always had issues with Media center all the way back to MCE 2004. I have a nice PCI express TV turner It is true HD ATSC http://www.avermedia.com/. You can get it at tigerdirect or newegg for less than $100.

Not my computer.

But thanks.

I eventually got it working.

Vista has a neat feature where, after you get a serious BSOD it will try to auto repair the problem.

Perhaps it was unique to my situation but...

Vista displayed a screen saying it was going to try to fix the problem.

It never told me what the problem was.

It kept the same screen on for nearly 15 minutes, though at some point the text changes to something like 'Vista is now humping your mother"... er... wait... no it was like "Repairing problem...." or something extremely vague.

Again, it never said what it was fixing.

Finally, it said something like "Sorry, I couldn't fix that would you like to restore the system using a restore point?"

I said no and shut down.

When it rebooted it was working fine again.

Nearly everything I wanted to do to the machine was so different from any previous version of windows that I needed to google just about everything.

I wanted to change the workgroup name so the machine could see other computers on the same network. But you can't simply right click on "my computer" to find the "Computer Name" tab -- because there is no "My computer" and no "Computer name" tab.

You have to hunt through the control panel and dig down a few levels to find an advanced options link.

Virtually everything was 'difficult' that way.

The guy who bought the computer ordered it with MS Office 2007 installed.

I exported his outlook express 6 data from his old machine (A WinXP Home box that had been a Win ME box -- P3 800Mhz, 512MB of PC133 RAM), but the new Office installation didn't have outlook. You now use "Windows Mail" but it kept barking at me about the old OE 6 data.

I finally figured it out after a little googling but it was sort of a PITA.

Then he asked me about his calendar stuff and I couldn't find a calendar attached to Vista's Windows Mail.

There is a calendar though, aptly named "Windows Calendar", but it wasn't obvious and doesn't launch from within "Windows Mail" (so far as I could tell).

All in all, I had figured to spend no more than 2 hours setting up the computer and migrating the old data but in the end I was there for about 6 hours.

Granted, part of the problem I'm facing with this event is the client.

He has an 8 year old HP all in one fax-copier-printer that uses a parrallel port connection. It wasn't even adaquately supported in XP and he somehow figured it would be okay with Vista. Well, the new HP box doesn't even have a parrallel port on it.

Now he wants me to find a print server device that will allow him to continue using the printer. The print server is going to be at least $50 and probably closer to $100.

I told him he could get a brand new HP all-in-one printer for under $100.

He says "But then I'll have this other printer sitting around doing nothing".

This is coming from a guy who makes something like $20K/mo. I just don't get it.

*XxDADxX* 03-09-2008 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Ghanzafar (Post 4555)
Vista is on the out. Microsoft has extended XP and will add DirectX 10 to the next SP. To get the true benifits of Vista you need the 64 bit but the problem with that is most all hardware venders are not going to waste their time making drivers for a OS that is not in Demand. Vista has alot of issues and only time will tell.
Andy for most TV cards to work they have to be certified. HP has always had issues with Media center all the way back to MCE 2004. I have a nice PCI express TV turner It is true HD ATSC http://www.avermedia.com/. You can get it at tigerdirect or newegg for less than $100.

THanks! I will be buying this in the next couple of weeks for the puter in garage.:)

ALLT4 03-19-2008 11:46 AM

I made the mistake of installing Office 2007, couldn't import my old mail. Don't remeber why, don't care anymore. This version of Office didn't have Front Page per say but some dumbed down web designer, couldn't get Front Page installed after that, just crashes on the install from Office XP, before you say "DUH it's Office XP" what am I supposed to do. Use Office 2003 Front Page which doesn't have the features I want? I truly give up, I haven't gone back yet because I have so much stuff to deal with going back I live with a broken OS. Someday I'll go for it but it'll consume almost a full day to get everything back the way I want it. I haven't been able to update my website since Vista, too tired to figure out how to get Cisco VPN to play nice with Vista's "let nothing through policy" I have to connect to my server through VPN.

I know what you're talking about Andy with all the networking stuff, NOTHING is where it used to be, SUCKS!

I use XP at work and couldn't be happier, why oh why did I need to experiment with new a new OS?

Lonestar 03-21-2008 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by hoser (Post 4546)
Might be time for an iMac.

I got me a MAC now. Vista sux!!!!! Wanna be Apple! I Just did 2 labtop configs and that shit is sooooo slow. Blah!!!

I noticed that it's trying to be MAC....nice try.

Spacedebris 03-21-2008 11:24 PM

I speed all day every day working on computer issues ranging from people who cant figure out how to turn on their computer. (yes, i mean that literally, I never would have believed it until I got that call, and I get it at least once a week). To people who have a complete computer meltdown and nearly 75% of all the true OS problems I deal with are all Vista related. From a computer support standpoint, Vista is a nightmare. The problem is, once you have a problem with it, no matter how minor, the hopes of repairing it are near nil. I've rarely run into anyone who is happy with vista, in fact one of my more common calls regarding vista is the call that says..."do you know where we can go to get XP back again?".

andyofne 03-22-2008 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by Spacedebris (Post 4869)
I speed all day every day working on computer issues ranging from people who cant figure out how to turn on their computer. (yes, i mean that literally, I never would have believed it until I got that call, and I get it at least once a week). To people who have a complete computer meltdown and nearly 75% of all the true OS problems I deal with are all Vista related. From a computer support standpoint, Vista is a nightmare. The problem is, once you have a problem with it, no matter how minor, the hopes of repairing it are near nil. I've rarely run into anyone who is happy with vista, in fact one of my more common calls regarding vista is the call that says..."do you know where we can go to get XP back again?".


Thankfully, we have no Vista computers in my office.

Unfortunately, we have no Vista computers in my office.

I would like to have ONE so that I could actually learn a bit more about the OS rather than just dismissing it out of hand.

I've worked only a handful of computers running Vista and because it's so unfamiliar and different it is harder to trouble shoot some problems that are easy to ID and fix in Win 2000 / XP.

I do not like Vista.

ALLT4 03-24-2008 01:30 PM

Hey, call me stupid but if I buy a regular Macbook for my Daughter who is starting College in the fall; does it come with drivers for XP for all it's peripherals? Does it run XP as well as any other Laptop with no glitches? Basically for her would it seem just like a PC Laptop? I've only messed around with non-certified hardware and hacked OSX86 Tiger for it. Pretty much that avenue doesn't work because everytime there's an update it bombs your install. I have the money anyway to buy the stuff. I know she wouldn't want Vista on it, I wouldn't want to deal with it.

She want's something white so I'm thinking that fits the ticket and gets her into another avenue of computing. Plus not only that but it's cool.

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