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Tiribulus 05-18-2010 03:42 PM

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that Andyofne is the former server admin and host known then as Handyman who also had a son with the handle of Chow Yun Fat. If not forgive me.
I found my way here looking around for whatever happened to the GMC guys who were so cool to me even though I was clearly NOT on their skill level. I did draw some gratification from being to able to provide some quick fraggage to whoever was losing between B and Gunz though:rolleyes: My gaming machine died several years ago about the time I lost my job here in the economic wasteland of Detroit so I kinda dropped off the scene.
Anyway, sorry to see the GMC go under. You guys took the time, especially B, to give me some tips that really helped my game.
Hope all is well otherwise.

Tempus 05-18-2010 04:41 PM

You're in the right place and you're welcome. It'd be nice to have helped someone somewhere, with something! And Andyofne is around here somewhere as well. It's always good to see someone come back around.

andyofne 05-18-2010 05:05 PM

Well, that sure goes back a few years.

I think we were playing more Medal of Honor and Far Cry by the time I was using the name "Handyman".

Although maybe UT 2003/2004 as well. Hard to say. I went through an identity crisis for a while.

Your name seems familiar... but it's been such a long time and I'm so old now.

Welcome to the forum. You'll see that there isn't much going on here these days.

Most of the old crew is off in some retirement home that still hasn't been connected to the internet. Or something like that.

Tiribulus 05-18-2010 05:30 PM

I was right! I deduced that from Handyman being from Nebraska. We emailed a couple times after you guys had some tornadoes or something and you told me your first name then:D Good to see you guys are still kickin around. So I take it then that Tempus is B judging from his response and his avatar? I was looking at the pictures at the GMC retirement site and figured B might be the guy with the hockey stick in the background since he told me he was from "mini soda" and that's a pretty big hockey state.

I had a lotta fun with you guys despite having my @$$ unceremoniously handed to me on a regular basis... under glass.

Are you guys playing anything now at all? There's still a fair number of UT99 and 2004 servers breathing out there.

Oh yeah, we were playing UT2004.

andyofne 05-18-2010 06:09 PM

I haven't played an Unreal Tournament game in ages.

I did buy UT3 when it came out but found it lacking. I just didn't like it at all. Can't pinpoint anything now because it's been too long. It was an utter disappointment. If they make another UT game I won't buy it.

I did like UT 2004 but, like any and every other game I've ever played on line, the cheaters ruined it for me.

I've been playing some Battlefield Bad Company 2 but it's really not my style. It's very much like the Call of Duty series, which I also own but don't care for that much.

I loved Battlefield 1942 and BF2. I also liked Far Cry for a while.

But when B had his third kid he pretty much left me hanging to play games on my own for a long, long time.

Every year or two someone comes along and tries to have a UT 99 revival. It lasts for a week or so, people reinstall, they download maps, the find a server or two and play a few rounds. Then it dies out again.

I have all my old files but I just can't get into those games. I don't even know if or how they will run under 64bit Windows 7.

At least I finally have a video card that can really get good frame rates in UT 99 and UT 2004. :)

Tiribulus 05-18-2010 08:39 PM

I was just recently able to hobble together a passable gaming rig again. I bought Battlefield 1942 back then, but I don't seem to do too well with squad based multiplayer like that. I got the impression you'd have to play with the same guys all the time to really get anywhere. I never played Far Cry online. I love the COD single player missions, but haven't played them online either.

I confess to downloading UT3 to see what it was like. I can't play it online, but it seems like standard UT with a very substantial graphics engine upgrade. Haven't tried Battlefield Bad Company 2. That might go a bit rough on my video card (9600GT).

I guess time marches on. A UT revival would be cool, but people tastes, lives and priorities change.

BTW, I still have all my old files with all the old giant maps as well. Nostalgia and my daughter plays UT99 on her laptop now so I've thrown some of that her way.

Tempus 05-19-2010 09:54 AM

Andy's right. I've slacked completely off of multiplayer gaming for the most part. I still game a lot but more RPG style or mission based fps games. Like you said it takes a lot of time playing with the same guys to get good in squad type games and life has become too intrusive for me to get away with it. Hell... I hardly even send out emails anymore. :(

{2399}Straycat 05-19-2010 02:15 PM

I still play 99 and have a server, but havn't been playin much at all since the op.

andyofne 05-19-2010 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Tempus (Post 6714)
Andy's right. I've slacked completely off of multiplayer gaming for the most part. I still game a lot but more RPG style or mission based fps games. Like you said it takes a lot of time playing with the same guys to get good in squad type games and life has become too intrusive for me to get away with it. Hell... I hardly even send out emails anymore. :(

There have been a couple generations of gamers to come through the ranks since we played UT.

There are kids out there now that have no never heard of UT or UT 2003/4 and who kick my ass daily in BFBC2.

I can't spend the time playing these games that I did playing UT back in the day.

hoser 05-20-2010 10:38 PM

People still... game?


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