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Tidy 07-24-2007 04:08 PM

Time for a new pc
Ok, so here's one for everyone's 2 ents. My hd dumped and altho I have a new hd I am having probs with my old xp disk. I can resolve that issue but messing with it really made me think of how out dated my rig is. I am going to be getting a loan here within the month to build a new barn/garage/studio/mancave...lol Anyways, I think I am going to put a little extra in the budget to build a new rig to put in it as it is where my new home office will be. I will just let this one become the family rig since the woman is getting on the web more and my little girl is getting big enough to start learning computers.

I want something that will be able to suit the needs of graphics and video editing. I may game here and there but gaming is not a big concern with me wanting to do a new rig. I want to be able to use Adobe of course and I also want something that will be easy to transfer vid from a canon XL camcorder and be powerful enough for some amateur editing? So what would you peeps do/ build?

{2399}Straycat 07-24-2007 04:17 PM

Some of my XP disk's acted as if they was messed up too. But, for shits and giggles I installed a new CDrom, all CDs work again.....

I built a 2.8 Ath with a gig of RAM, new case ( kinda kewl ) and H2O cooling all for under 300. The Vcard was kinda spendy though......:rolleyes:

D_A_M_A_G_E 07-24-2007 05:49 PM

Got a price range in mind?

Tidy 07-24-2007 06:51 PM

Not sure... cheap is always good but I don't want to skimp either. Like I said I am borrowing some loot for a new building so adding in the pc will add a few more $$ to the monthly but I don't want to spend 4g's either. Prob the max would be about 2g's. I know I'll need multiple HD's and a card that can handle the vid stuff. I am still researching so input is a great thing.

hoser 07-24-2007 06:57 PM

You can buy way more then you need with 2 g's.. hell - you could paypal the money you have leftover to Andrew and hook him up with some of Omaha's finest hooooha :)

Tidy 07-24-2007 07:21 PM

Actually hoser the pc I intially priced was about 1200 for just the tower no extras. Then I need another monitor. I am asking myself would it be better to run a larger single or maybe run 2 smaller which makes sense for the hot setup to use editing. I also need an OS, the mouse, key, board, router etc. If there is any left over I need a projector but I already have a 6ft screen and a 9ft screen.

It confuses the hell out of me looking at stuff now with 64bit, dual core, quads, etc....it's a little overwhelming for me..lol I am pretty sure I don't want any SLI crap or anything. But I am looking at producing webisodes for my site and using it to hone my skills. We already have a production company quite capable for audio...(IE- concerts, festivals, etc) and I would like to expand it into video production to but I am not jumping into it too deep. I would like to grow it slowly based on the same concept we were developing for a cable network back when UT first came out. The network shit canned the project when I wouldn't sign over all the rights and I want to try to revive it.

Eventually I would need bigger better stuff, maybe even getting into MAC's if it starts to do well but for now I have to start small. The cheap camera's alone are around 3k and 2x that if I wanted HD.

hoser 07-24-2007 07:34 PM

I can't vouch for vid editing, but I've switched off XP and am running just Fedora 7 now.

For me, I can game, do php/sql/apache web work in a test lab setup, plus I can view and paly 99.9% of videos, music etc.. all on an open source OS that didn't cost a dime to get, and took just a few hours to really get tuned up to where I wanted it.

I don't know if it would be practical for you though, sounds like you want to get a pretty high end box. Good luck with that.. I hate computers, so I can't in good conscience tell you to spend your money on one :)

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