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whiz 04-18-2011 06:00 PM

Finally won one!
My First win with the car 5 rounds to win it. 13.79@ 96MPH was my last run.

Cowboy 04-19-2011 06:38 PM

Awesome! Nice going Whiz.

{2399}Straycat 04-20-2011 12:51 PM

WTG Whiz

Tempus 04-22-2011 05:18 PM

Awesome! Especially when you consider the weight difference between that lil mustang and your ride!

Skillz 04-23-2011 03:50 AM

13.79 @ 96 MPH, doesn't seem that fast really. What kind of racing was this? Bracket?

whiz 04-23-2011 01:33 PM

It's 1/4 mile bracket racing for sportsman bracket. Most of them are street cars. 13.79 for a 73 340 motor (original that came with the car) with a few little additions. that's pretty good for mainly stock.

O also it was first race of the season!

Tidy 04-23-2011 04:27 PM

Congrats Whiz! Do you ever go out for the Friday night program there?

Skillz 04-23-2011 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by whiz (Post 6958)
It's 1/4 mile bracket racing for sportsman bracket. Most of them are street cars. 13.79 for a 73 340 motor (original that came with the car) with a few little additions. that's pretty good for mainly stock.

O also it was first race of the season!

Yea thats not bad then. I stop racing when they begin bracket racing, what was your 60 ft?

What did the mustang et?

whiz 04-23-2011 08:04 PM

Tidy, Thanks. I don't have a fast enough car but i will probably go out. I think my dad is going to end up doing it not sure tho. He either needs to pick his car up or slow it down. it runs 10.70's right in the middle of 10.5 and 11 index.

Skillz, My 60ft time is 1.88 which has been my fastest time yet with the car last weekend. The mustang's et was something like 13.50's i believe it was just a little faster.

Later this year i plan on taking the original motor out and putting in a 360 small block ill be running near 12's i think or at least that is where i am shooting for. Also i would like to do some index racing i think it would be cool to do.

Skillz 04-23-2011 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by whiz (Post 6962)
Tidy, Thanks. I don't have a fast enough car but i will probably go out. I think my dad is going to end up doing it not sure tho. He either needs to pick his car up or slow it down. it runs 10.70's right in the middle of 10.5 and 11 index.

Skillz, My 60ft time is 1.88 which has been my fastest time yet with the car last weekend. The mustang's et was something like 13.50's i believe it was just a little faster.

Later this year i plan on taking the original motor out and putting in a 360 small block ill be running near 12's i think or at least that is where i am shooting for. Also i would like to do some index racing i think it would be cool to do.

1.88 is good, what kind of tires? I was just asking about the mustang because I figured it was faster et wise, you was just the better driver. You plan to stay all motor? No power adders?

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