Thread: To whoever...
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Old 06-26-2007, 04:16 PM
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Skillz is infamous around these partsSkillz is infamous around these parts
Originally Posted by andyofne View Post
We loved you when you lost your home to Katrina and we all pitched in to do what we could. It may not have been much but we all cared enough to do something.

After all you've supposedly done to build this community the only thing you seem to do is come here with accusations and insults.

And now you're complaining...
It's ok Andy, we know you have to do things like this from time to time just to show that you've got power. It's ok.

Stop brining up the Katrina thing on me already. It's really getting old. The horse is dead already; and I'm getting pretty sick of you throwing that in my face every time something comes up.

Stop abusing your power and maybe I'll stop acting like a dick.

I don't take credit for "building" this community as you so call put it, but I am putting more effort in keeping this community alive TODAY than you are. Regardless of what happened months/years ago. What happened, happened. That doesn't give you the right to pounce around like your shit doesn't stink.