Thread: So now what?
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Old 07-15-2007, 07:54 PM
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andyofne andyofne is offline
Commander in Briefs

Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Omaha.
Posts: 772
andyofne is on a distinguished road
On a whim, I bought a BB gun.

I have no idea what I'm going to do with it now.

I went to K-Mart and they had all sorts of stuff there for my gun. I bought a scope, a laser sight, 1500 BBs, 250 target pellets, 250 hunting pellets, and a pack of targets (I later found a shitload of printable targets on line).

I've burned through about 200 BB's since yesterday and a fair number of pellets just shooting stuff like beanie babies, diet coke cans, paper targets, and photos of people who have wronged me over the years.
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