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Old 07-05-2008, 09:02 PM
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Tempus Tempus is offline
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You act like this is something new or "found" due to getting rid of Saddam, it's not. It's a stockpile from a known location that was debated about before any decision for war was ever made (publicly anyway). Furthermore it's not even a volatile grade. And what does Plame have to do with anything? It seems like people are desperate for any little glimmer that curious george may have possibly done something right once in his presidency... only to be crushed again when they find that it's old news and of exaggerated importance.

Once again, I voted for the idiot as he seemed to be the lesser of two evils, but that doesn't mean that I hang my self worth on him being a good president. I wouldn't go around blurting that "wrong side of history" garbage.History will decide how his reign is remembered.

P.S. It's doubting with a B "doughting" would lead one to think of "dough" which in the end I guess, is what this presidency has been all about from the beginning.
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