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Old 07-06-2008, 09:42 PM
Dawson Dawson is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 72
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Rather there was or wasn't WMD isn't really the point. The point is EVERY intelligence agency in the world that has any credibility believed Sadaam had WMD. Yet only Bush gets piled on by all the wuss's in the world. Why? Because he was the only leader with the guts to do anything about it and enforce what the United Nations was to scared, CORRUPT, and impotent to do.
We, (Americans) as usual, did what needed to be done, we took out that scumbag and a whole bunch of other scumbags, we've killed thousands of would be terrorists over there before they could get us over here and severely handicapped the Islamic terrorist networks in the world by depleting them of money, a safe haven, and most importantly, by killing thousands (if not tens of thousands) of them. Only a dead terrorists can't kill my fellow Americans.

I don't care for some of things Bush has done or believes (ie- his illegal immigration stance, astronomical social program spending increases and such) but he was the right man to have in office for this time in history and it's a fact that there are a LOT fewer people walking around in the world who want to kill Americans because Bush was willing to act, despite knowing that all the libs and pacifists (led by the media) would resort to anything to destroy him if he did.

I'm proud of what our leader has down in regards to terrorism and the war. Some seem to think that war is easy and no mistakes or miscalculations will be made so they jump on any percieved miscalculation as a reason we should have done nothing. Thats just foolish and it doesn't help our country when we focus on the negative and only report the mistakes....again, all driven by the media.
Have you noticed the media hardly says a word about the war in Iraq anymore?, know why? I do. Not many people are getting killed and things are rapidly improving. The media seldom reports anything positive going on with ANYTHING, much less the war waged by a (somewhat) conservative president that the majority of it hate and will stoop to almost any depth to destroy. I can see all this plain as day because I don't eat up all the crap put out by the media and take them at their word.... because I know where their bias's are and know they will always slant any story they report against conservatives and they will simply ignore any stories they can't do that with. It's just obvious unless you've been indoctrinated by them.
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