Thread: We need help
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Old 03-22-2009, 03:22 PM
Dawson Dawson is offline
Been 'round..

Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 72
Dawson is on a distinguished road
I just hope what he's doing can be reversed once the majority realize what he and his ilk really want for our country....he's a Socialist without doubt, but I also see a lot of Marxist leanings in some of the things he's doing, done, and talked about.
And for any who might just dismiss me as a ranting republican, I no longer refer to myself as such and haven't for some time, I am a Christian Conservative American.... in that order.

The entitlement culture that liberals have been cultivating in this country for decades has created a country full of dependent sheep who will follow any smooth talking politician as long as he says he'll take care of them and give them stuff.

I had hoped Barak was more talk than action but so far, and to our detriment, he's proving to be a man of his word.
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