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Old 03-29-2009, 08:19 PM
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andyofne andyofne is offline
Commander in Briefs

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Originally Posted by Dawson View Post
The Republicans blew 700 billion before the election, then the Dems blew over one trillion more tax dollars in less than a month. Taxes are going up for everyone, and for a very long time...and I don't see any end to the big spending either

I don't really care about cig taxes as I don't smoke but they are biting themselves in the foot if they think they will end up getting more tax revenue by doing that, the people that quit smoking or don't start in the first place will off set any increased tax revenue they might have gotten.
I do believe that it's a two part deal. They hope some people will quit which will supposedly cut down on cigarette smoking related health care costs AND they hope to offset the lost tax revenue by taxing those who continue.
Your friend,

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