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Old 02-26-2010, 01:45 PM
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Tidy Tidy is offline
Been 'round..
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 175
Tidy is on a distinguished road
I know the navigation is a work in progress. The forum navigation is just that and works for the end user willing to become a member, but I know that the majority of visitors are more casual then that. I have to mold The front end as both a promotions tool for the league and also in a photo journalistic way for a fanbase. The content is the issue there. I am still haggling out how to implement the concept considering BMS will only allow so much leeway. Remember too, I am doing this with virtually no $$$. My deal with BMS is cross promotion.

My goal is not to beat Nascar on a big level, but to compete with them in their strongest market. We are going to take back Bristol from the charlotte boys. I have a handful of unique characters with good racing action and I need to package it all so the average joe around here might find our group more interesting than Nascar's handful of characters. If I can do that and compete in my own local market. Because of what market I am in, if I can accomplish this then I will gets the funds I need to grow this. As a biz, there isn't many options to tap the market here, either pay big money 2x a year or sponsoring car shows...there is a big gap in between and I am hoping to tap into that. The web is just a small portion of the whole project but a crucial one. The biggest thing hurting the site is lack of video. People are lazy and video goes a long way to help overcome that and keep attention. So the immediate goal is trying to fund at least 1 hd dv cam @ 5k and to start soliciting my budget. I the end skills, people don't want to navigate at all, they want it right in front of them and I am working towards that. The Nav will be fine tuned as I go but the one man ship has 64 paddles in the
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