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Old 03-24-2008, 01:30 PM
ALLT4 ALLT4 is offline
Been 'round..

Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 42
ALLT4 is on a distinguished road
Hey, call me stupid but if I buy a regular Macbook for my Daughter who is starting College in the fall; does it come with drivers for XP for all it's peripherals? Does it run XP as well as any other Laptop with no glitches? Basically for her would it seem just like a PC Laptop? I've only messed around with non-certified hardware and hacked OSX86 Tiger for it. Pretty much that avenue doesn't work because everytime there's an update it bombs your install. I have the money anyway to buy the stuff. I know she wouldn't want Vista on it, I wouldn't want to deal with it.

She want's something white so I'm thinking that fits the ticket and gets her into another avenue of computing. Plus not only that but it's cool.
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