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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you: 1. Jesus Christ 2. The American G. I. One died for your soul, the other for your freedom. Prime Minister Tony Blair |
Yea I know, I got that message once too.
wtf is up with that? |
The forum doesn't know if it trusts you yet.
"Open the pod bay doors please HAL." "I'm sorry Dave. I can't do that..." |
I've tried 4 or 5 different methods to stop the spambotters, the last one is holding up flawlessly. That message is a remnant of one of the steps I took. I forced moderating the first few posts, and new users so that the spammers would never make 'live' posts. I took that out around 4:30 DST, so it shouldn't be a bother now. |
Two methods I have found to be the best against bots.
1. Advanced visual confirmation. Something where the background/image that the code is printed on isn't a solid color. Multiple colors, with "shadows" of fonts in the background. 2. Textual Confirmation. This is similar to visual confirmation, but it's much more versitle. You can have a question/statement on the registration where the user will have to answer it correctly. Can be anything. 2+2, are you a human?, what is this site name?, say hello, say i love hoser, ect... Very effective. |
I fixed that at virtual-lunacy.com. I disabled account creation. hahahahahaha
Oh you are using that? Sorry, I only registered once.
yeah, I really don't mind that the first few posts are moderated. It sucks for the mods actually. I mod a different site and know how much of a pain in the ass it is.
Welcome to the site, make an introduction thread!
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