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Old 10-18-2009, 02:49 PM
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My site has been running for a while now and I am pretty happy with it. It has aspects that have worked out great, like my user base but I am not a great webmaster. I have gotten decent at the vb stuff. Been trying to come up with a flash splash page.

Who else has pages? What kinda of traffic numbers do you think are respectable? Andy what was utgmc like in it's hayday?
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Old 10-18-2009, 09:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Tidy View Post
My site has been running for a while now and I am pretty happy with it. It has aspects that have worked out great, like my user base but I am not a great webmaster. I have gotten decent at the vb stuff. Been trying to come up with a flash splash page.

Who else has pages? What kinda of traffic numbers do you think are respectable? Andy what was utgmc like in it's hayday?
Can't even remember any more. It used to be something I was interested in but that was, you know, in the old days.

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Old 10-18-2009, 09:53 PM
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wow, this place still gets more unique's then me.. I get around 3k-3500 a month but pageviews have been on a steady rise all year and I have over 500k this month so far.

For me I get big spikes in the days following track nights, the day after, everyone hits it looking for the pictures. I just don't have good comprehension for the stuff I want to do, like today I was reading on actionscripts, yesterday it was CSS, etc.. If I don't use what I research immediately, it seems to not do me any good. If I don't get back to something in a few days I have to read up again. Our forums are for a small base of serious guys but the site is for telling the story of Thunder Valley so to speak. Oddly, I get all sorts of random compliments on my pics tho from people I would never expect in my demographic like Aunts and Mothers...lol
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Old 10-19-2009, 07:07 PM
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I don't even know what we get at fpsnetwork.
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Old 10-20-2009, 07:25 PM
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As of today.. and add another 10% for traffic to www.fpsnetwork.com, and the two pointers planetut3.com and planetut2k7.com.

Too funny, those gameplanet.com peeps are still pissed at me for grabbing the planetut3.com 5 minutes after the game title was announced.

As always, it still falls off over the summer


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Ape shall not kill ape.
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