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Old 10-31-2007, 11:45 AM
andyofne's Avatar
andyofne andyofne is offline
Commander in Briefs

Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Omaha.
Posts: 772
andyofne is on a distinguished road
November is National Novel Writing Month

National Novel Writing Month is the largest writing contest in the world. Last year there were over 79,000 participants (one of them was me) worldwide. This is the 8th year and I've been involved since 2002. This will be my fifth attempt. Last year I hit 37,500 words though it was probably the least readable, most inane crap I've ever put on paper.

I didn't feel too bad about not 'winning' because less than 20% of participants (including me) actually meet the 50,000 word goal. There are no prizes and no one ever sees the actual 'novel' you write, unless you share it.

Why do people do this? I have no idea.

Last year I tried to put the story online but it didn't work out past chapter one. Most because it was such shit but also because it was disjointed and skipped around so much it wouldn't have made any sense to anyone.

I wrote chapter one and then filled in stuff that would fall out later on in chapters 3, 5, 7 and 9 (or whatever order).

I may do the same thing again this year using the same site.

If I chose to do so the resultant craptacular product will appear here:


If I become scarce next month, now you'll know why.

Not that I'm super active here as it is.
Your friend,

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