Originally Posted by Ghanzafar
For everyone runny windows 7 all vista drivers work for beta due to the fact it is off the Vista and 2008 server kernel. I been running win7 since the beta was released and I have to say that it runs way faster than vista and is as stable as XP. I tested mutiple Games with the OS such as UT, ut2k4, UT3, BF2, COD4,COD5 and Steam releases. All seem to run great since nvidia is working with Microsoft for the drivers for Nvidia users. Straycat I have a SB Titanium Fatallty the drivers Installed with out a hitch from the CD it detected the OS as a vista OS. To get the best out of win7 64bit is the way to go. The only flaw I see with Win7 is that media player doesn't index from a network drive which sucks because I have over 600 gigs of music, hopefully this will be resolve but I doubt it because of the new user group config. Vista is like Windows ME a flop. Remember peeps it is yet still a beta but for a beta it is worth it.
600 GIGs of music.
I am going to have to bring up a large drive and do some beer drinking with you and BBQ of course! SOmetime this spring