Originally Posted by andyofne
Well, let me see...
It's like after I played UT 2003/4 and tried to go back to UT 99. I couldn't do it.
BF2 compared to BFBC2 is like UT 99 and UT 2004.
Something just doesn't work.
That kind of makes sense, but BF2 is a different game compared to BFBC2 and I play them as different games much like I play UT and BF2 as two different games. I was thinking you had problems with the way things are on BF2 now, most of the active servers being I/O and Karkand.
Anyway though, from the looks of the trailer of BF3, it seems that the Battlefield franchise is moving closer to Bad Company type playing, which isn't bad; but it's not BF3. We'll see though.